Arts, Media, and Entertainment Sector

ROP Digital Film Production 2 - 🙨

Course Length

Number of Credits



Approved A-G Course

Max Credits





Yes - F


Description: Digital Film Production II provides students with the opportunity to deepen and broaden their knowledge of the television and film production industries, its history, and the careers involved through visual presentation, insightful analysis of film through reflective critiques, and by creating visual entertainment and thought-provoking media. Students will gain further training in the area of on-screen talent through the writing and performance of scripts. Students will gain further technical training in the design and critique of motion graphics and pictures as well as understand the psychological impact this digital media will have on their audience.

ROP Digital Film Production 3

Course Length

Number of Credits



Approved A-G Course

Max Credits





Yes - F


Description: Digital Film Production III

ROP Creative Digital Media

Course Length

Number of Credits



Approved A-G Course

Max Credits





Yes - F


Description: This course begins by looking at art and studies the process of art creation in various subjects and mediums throughout history. Students will be taught the importance of art as a means of expression and communication and the way art impacts society and culture. Significance of the fine artwork by masters and contemporary innovators and the materials, tools, techniques and methods used to create their art is strongly emphasized. Basic elements of art and principles of design will be taught as a foundation for creating artworks by hand and digitally. Critical thinking skills will be developed in order to examine art and designs for content, artistic skill and aesthetic value. Lessons will include class lectures, demonstrations and hands-on-art activities. Students will use studio art supplies and the computer as tools to visually articulate, express, and communicate ideas, concepts and personal experiences in creative meaningful ways. Industry standard software will be used to produce a variety of digital art projects that include digital illustration, digital painting, digital manipulation and graphic design. Students will become increasingly aware of art and design in our everyday environment and realize that all man made surroundings have, to some degree, been designed or created by an artist. Students will understand and recognize current trends in art and design, how they are influenced by culture and impact everything from fashion to music to advertisements, etc. Skills learned will relate to current careers in visual arts. Students will build a portfolio that showcases their best work. 

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