School Commitment

• Employ well-qualified staff who know their subject matter and who understand the sociological, physiological and psychological make-up of students.
• Provide a positive learning environment.
• Provide the proper curriculum to meet student needs.
• Provide the materials and equipment necessary for proper instruction.
• Provide a safe environment where students can attend school without fear.
• Establish and administer reasonable rules and regulations regarding student behavior.
• Provide parents with regular reports on student attendance, academic progress, and school behavior.
• Provide appropriate, varied classroom learning opportunities to encourage academic progress.
• Provide appropriate and varied homework assignments to facilitate and enhance learning.

Student Commitment

• Attend assigned classes every day unless ill or an emergency arises.
• Complete and turn in all class assignments on time.
• Bring the required materials to class each day.
• Seek immediate assistance from the teacher when class assignments are not understood.
• Be attentive during class instruction. Be committed to gaining the best education possible.
• Give total effort to learning the material taught in each assigned class.
• Follow all school rules and regulations.
• Seek the assistance of teachers, counselors, and other school personnel for academic assistance or when problems occur that inhibit learning.

Parent Commitment

• Insist that the student attend school every day unless the student is ill or an emergency arises.
• Telephone the Attendance Office when the student is going to be absent. If unable to call, send a note when the student returns.
• Ensure the student receives an appropriate amount of sleep prior to any school day so that he/she will be attentive and alert in class.
• Provide a meal for the student before he/she comes to school each day.
• Provide uninterrupted study time and reading time for the student each school night.
• Check with the student daily regarding homework assignments and monitor the completion of those assignments.
• Contact teachers immediately if there is a question concerning student progress or lack of homework. Please see our website for telephone information and email addresses.
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