• UC a-g
    The University of California developed rigorous high school course requirements for undergraduate admission. Students are required to take a variety of courses from a spectrum of fields of study. Courses are broken up into seven categories labelled as "a-g" with required quantities of courses to take within each category. "
    These courses are to be academically challenging, involving substantial reading, writing, problems and laboratory work (as appropriate), and show serious attention to analytical thinking, factual content and developing students' oral and listening skills." (https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/admission-requirements/freshman-requirements/subject-requirement-a-g.html)

The following breakdown is from the University of California "a-g" Guide Website:

  • History/social science (“a”) – Two years, including one year of world history, cultures and historical geography and one year of U.S. history, or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of  American government or civics.
  • English (“b”) – Four years of college preparatory English that integrates reading of classic and modern literature, frequent and regular writing, and practice listening and speaking.
  • Mathematics (“c”) –Three years of college-preparatory math, including or integrating the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry.
  • Laboratory science (“d”) – Two years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in at least two of the three disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Language other than English (“e”) – Two years of the same language other than English or equivalent to the second level of high school instruction.
  • Visual and performing arts (“f”) – One year chosen from dance, music, theater or the visual arts.
  • College-preparatory elective (“g”) – One year chosen from the “a-f” courses beyond those used to satisfy the requirements above, or courses that have been approved solely in the elective area.

“University of California.” University of California - A-G Subject Requirements, https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/admission-requirements/freshman-requirements/subject-requirement-a-g.html.

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