Our Parent Conference will take place on Wednesday, November 1, 2017. Two sessions will be offered in the MPR/GYM for parents to meet with teachers regarding their student's progress within their respective classes.
Sessions Take Place in the Gym/MPR
Session 1 - 11:30-2:30pm
Session 2 - 4-6pm
Aeries Parent Portal Set Up - Room D104
Parents, we strongly recommend you get your child's class schedule off your Aeries Parent Portal account or from your student. Paper schedules will not be available at the conference. If you need to set up your Aeries Parent Portal acocunt, please start your visit in room D104 where we can help you set up your account. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thursday, November 2, 2017, is a late start day. 0 period begins at 8:37am; 1st period begins at 9:25am.